How to Kill Sinful Anger
Jon Bloom All sinful anger is hard to fight. It’s a selfish, hot-blooded passion our flesh enjoys indulging. But I find it particularly difficult to fight the sinful anger that I feel I have a right to feel...
How to Pray Aloud in a Group
Megan Hill If public speaking is the general population’s greatest fear, public praying very well may be its Christian equivalent. And this fear is not restricted to ordinarily timid people...
Dear CHRISTIAN: Do You Pray?
Joseph Solomon In this six-minute video, Joseph Solomon shares some thoughts about prayer...
Ghost Army
Betsy Childs A few weeks after the D-Day invasion of Normandy, the U.S. army deployed the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, better known at the “Ghost Army.” The unit comprised creative types—artists, set designers, actors, and sound technicians...
How to Grow Spiritually
William Boekestein There was once a powerful Syrian general named Naaman who had contracted the dreaded disease of leprosy. At God’s instruction, the prophet Elisha promised Naaman healing if he would wash in the Jordan River seven times...
Committed to Marriage, Committed to the Church
Michael Herrington Wedding season is here. Are you committed to your church? That may seem like a rather abrupt shift in topics, but they are actually closely related...
5 Questions To Ask of a Book Before You Read It
Tim Challies They are far and away the most common questions I receive: Can you tell me anything about this author? Have you heard of this book? Is it safe to read?...
If You Don’t Have a Dramatic Testimony
Stephen Altrogge Everyone loves to hear an old-fashioned, rip-roaring, “glory!” conversion testimony. You know the kind I’m talking about. The dude who was a member of the Crips, a meth dealer, and a mob hit man before he found Jesus...
5 Ways to Read the Bible for Personal Application
Joe Carter The Bible is a book about God, not a book about us. And yet as Paul says, everything in the Bible was written for us...
Believer, Become What You Are
John Piper Believer, you died and the new you is alive, and you are God’s. The whole of our Christian life is learning to become — by God’s Spirit — what we already are in Christ...
How to Count It All as Loss
John Piper What does it mean to count everything as loss for the sake of Christ? What does it mean to renounce all that we have for Christ’s sake...
Warm Yourself at the Fires of Meditation
David Mathis We were made to meditate. God designed us with the capacity to pause and ponder. He means for us to not just hear him, but to reflect on what he says...
How Fast Does a Christian Grow?
Ryan Higginbottom Confession time: In graduate school, my therapist was a vacuum cleaner. I should explain. While pursuing a degree in mathematics, I spent many days working out theories, formulas, and proofs...
Something Rotten in the Local Church
Lore Ferguson Wilbert In the midst of conflict within the local church the first thing we need to understand is that we are never promised a clean, unspotted, unblemished church...
Ten Principles for Personal Productivity
John Piper What advice do you have for the daily schedule making to make the most of life for Christ?...
Ten Cravings of the Sinful Nature of Man
Colin Smith What are the cravings of the sinful nature? What kinds of strong desire does the sinful nature produce? What does the intense longing that comes...