A Pastor's Reflection: The Benefits of Membership
VFT Are some people more special than others? As the pastor, to whom do you owe your time? These are important questions because you will have people pulling on your calendar and schedule and you’ll have to decide to whom, among the many people you encounter, you should give your time...
8 Lessons from the School of Prayer
D.A. Carson Throughout my spiritual pilgrimage, two sources have largely shaped, and continue to shape, my own prayer life: the Scriptures and more mature Christians...
What We Do When We Grumble and How We Can Change
Mark Altrogge Complaining is such a way of life. How often do we start conversations by complaining about the cold or the heat? How many break rooms are filled with complaining about a boss or coworker? How much silent grumbling occurs in our heads when we have to do things we don’t feel we should have to do...
CPYU’s Ad Filtering Questions for Super Bowl XLIX
Walt Mueller In this article, Walt Mueller suggests ways to apply a biblical worldview to advertising and media for students...
How to Combat the Demonic
J.D. Greear When it comes to the demonic, people fall into two errors—not wanting to talk about it at all, or not wanting to talk about anything else. As C. S. Lewis said, “Humanity falls into two equal and opposite errors concerning the Devil. Either they take him altogether too seriously or they do not take him seriously enough...”
We're Asking the Wrong Question When we Go to Church
Stephen Altrogge It’s a phrase I’ve said or thought many times. Church is over, I’m sitting at home eating lunch, and I think to myself, I didn’t really get much out of church this morning...
I've Sinned; Now What? Eleven Reminder for Dealing with Sin
Rey Reynoso On this side of eternity we will sin. I’m not saying we must sin. Sin is not necessary to human life but it is part of human life. On this side of eternity we will struggle with it. We will sin...
The Title of “Brother” Means Something
Josh Buice I grew up in the church and I’ve always heard the title “brother” as a prefix to almost every man in the church...
6 Distinguishing Marks of a Call to Gospel Ministry
Steve Lawson If there is anything else a man can do other than preach, Martyn Lloyd-Jones maintained, he ought to do it. The pulpit is no place for him...
Why Church?
Lyndon Unger I’m not that old, but I remember a few decades ago when Canadian culture was far different. I remember when most people described themselves as “Christian”, even though that meant “confused theist” at best. I remember when almost all businesses were closed on Sunday because it was “the Lord’s day"...
The Christian Life Isn’t Meant to Be Effortless
Don Whitney When we’re born again from above by the Spirit of God, the Lord makes a “new creation” of us (2 Cor. 5:17). But when He accomplishes that radical, regenerating transformation of us, He does not eliminate our minds, our bodies, our emotions...
Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit
Jeremy Writebol “Do you trust me?” As my children were first being introduced to the pleasure of swimming it took some effort to get them to jump from the ledge into my arms...
Six Foolish Things I Used to Believe about the Ministry
Scott Slayton When I look back on my younger years in the ministry I often shake my head as I remember things I said or attitudes I harbored which were completely wrongheaded...
Boy Who Came Back from Heaven Actually Didn't; Books Recalled
Ron Charles Tyndale House, a major Christian publisher, has announced that it will stop selling “The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven,” by Alex Malarkey and his father, Kevin Malarkey.
Homophobia Has No Place in the Church
Nick Roen “Young man, I appreciate your message, but you need to realize that most gay people are dangerous predators." I had just finished sharing about my experience with same-sex attraction (SSA) at a church in the heart of Wisconsin...