5 Bruce Jenner Facts
James MacDonald
“With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you; but they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.” 1 Peter 4:4-5
Near the Muskoka cottage where we spent our childhood summers, there was a spot along the river known simply as “the rapids.” Wide eyed and terrified, we were seldom allowed even a dip of our toes into the raging current. Stories of young adults swept into the whirlpools and never seen again were more than adequate to keep our little feet high on the rocks and out of the whitewater. If you got too close, if you somehow slipped, you could easily be washed away, never to be seen again.
This is not a post to reprove the reprobate masses, which at this point would clearly be “pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6). My goal here is a breath of biblical oxygen for people still fighting the deluge of dissipation and debauchery trending constantly in our culture. Let me prayerfully attempt 5 Bruce Jenner Facts—for pastors preparing to preach and ministry leaders forced to converse on what the media pressures us all to think about.
1) Bruce Jenner is a man.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27
A man has physical characteristics. Back in 1976 many of us saw him run, jump, and throw at a world-class level, winning Olympic gold in the decathlon. He may be a hurting, frustrated, confused man, but he is still a man. He can amputate his genitals and amplify his estrogen, put on a dress, paint his face, and wear hair extensions. But just as kids going door to door on halloween are not actually witches and warlocks, Bruce Jenner is not a woman simply because he has worked hard to look like one. If I had a surgeon attach a long gray hose to the center of my face and hang wide gray, leafy lobes from the sides of my head, I would not be an elephant. Ask a healthy heterosexual man if he could ever be sexually intimate with Bruce Jenner—not one will say yes, not one. He is a man, not a woman.