Membership is a great way to say you're committed to the community and mission of the church.

It helps you in your walk with Christ by providing you with a church family that will love, serve, and watch over you. Membership places you under the spiritual umbrella of the Church Leadership and gives greater protection and accountability to your spiritual growth.

…But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

1 Corinthians 12:24-26 (ESV)

Why Consider Membership?

Being part of a community of faith is a transformative experience, and we encourage you to consider becoming a member if you meet the following criteria:

You have attended Northridge Church consistently for at least six months. We value the commitment you've shown to our community and want to extend the invitation for deeper involvement.

Committed Attendance

Engaged in Community Groups

You have actively participated in our Community Groups. These small gatherings provide an opportunity to connect with fellow believers, study God's Word together, and support one another in our spiritual journeys.

A Desire to Serve and Invest

Membership is an opportunity to express your commitment to this community by serving and investing in the life of the church. By becoming a member, you can take an active leadership role in shaping our community and making a difference.

Spiritual Care and Accountability

As a member, you open yourself up to spiritual care and accountability from the Northridge Church leadership and Pastors. This team is in place to love, serve, protect, and watch over the members of our church.

Voting Privileges

As a member, you have the privilege to vote on important oversight and financial decisions that impact the future of Northridge Church. Your voice matters, and membership gives you the opportunity to participate in shaping the direction of our community.

Here, we cherish the opportunity to journey together as a family of believers. We invite you to consider membership and take the next step in deepening your involvement in our vibrant and caring community.

Becoming a member of Northridge Church isn’t complicated, but there are a few important steps and requirements.

Steps to Becoming a Member

  • Before becoming a member we want you to understand who we are which is why it’s important for you to immerse yourself in our culture and our teaching for at least 6 months.

  • Joining and engaging in a Community Group shows us that you’re serious about your relationship with Christ (love God) and your relationship with the people of Northridge Church (love others).

    Find a Group

  • Now you have a sense of who we are. This constitution contains the principles and guidelines that govern Northridge Church.

    Read The Constitution

  • This pre-work isn’t meant to be intimidating but rather helps us all to be on the same page before you attend an official membership class.

    Complete the Pre-Work

  • We hold two membership classes each year—one in early Spring and the other in Late Fall. Check the events page to see if their is an upcoming class.

    Go To The Events Page

  • The four prerequisites to membership, as stated in the Northridge Church Constitution, are as follows:

    1. Relationship with Jesus Christ

    Any person who professes faith in Jesus Christ, gives evidence of having been born again, and meets the other qualifications herein, may be received into membership.

    2. Baptism

    Each member must have been baptized according to Scripture as a believer.

    3. Agreement with Core Creed and Support of Distinctive Beliefs

    Each member must agree with the Core Creed of Northridge Church and be willing to submit to our Distinctive Beliefs (Article 2, Section 2, first paragraph).

    4. Support of Ministry

    Each member must sign the following statement: “I have read and consent to the commitments and understand the implications of my membership as outlined in the constitution of Northridge Church. As a member of Northridge Church, I agree to devote myself to worship God corporately, to be part of a small community of believers functioning biblically, to grow in my faith, to serve Christ with this body, to seek to win those who are far from God, to give financially, and to be accountable to the church leadership and fellow believers in matters concerning my relationship with God and others.”

  • In most cases, you will complete a membership interview immediately following your Membership Class. This interview is an opportunity for face-to-face interaction which each individual to ensure full understanding and to discuss any questions you may have.

  • Once the pastors have approved you, a staff member will let you know and officially welcome you into membership.

Start now


Brighton Campus: Noah Bixby,

Online Campus: Brad Files,

Rochester Campus: Jason DeGraaff,

Webster Campus: Nate Miller,