How Far is Too Far Before Marriage

Pastor John, several listeners have emailed to ask this question: How far is too far for an engaged couple to go sexually before marriage?

This is a really important question. Our culture is awash in sexual titillation. You can hardly open your internet without some advertisement on the side awakening some sexual desire. You can hardly watch an a TV program or go to any movie without some kind of titillation. It is really amazing what we are having to deal with these days. I think it is crucial to ask when a young man and a young woman (or an older man and an older woman for that matter) begin to hang out together, what should they do physically?

The Bible is our guide and our authority. It does not have a single sentence somewhere that says, “Ok, engaged couples, or couples that are starting to date, here is what you can and can’t do.” The way we have to approach it is by putting together truths from the Bible which lead to some conclusions. Let me try to put together a few of those.

(continue reading HERE)


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