Northridge Book Review: From Pride to Humility
From Pride to Humility (34 pages) by Stuart Scott
Stuart Scott is married to his wife, Zondra, has over 35 years of experience in counseling and pastoral ministry, and has taught at Southern Theological Seminary and The Master’s University as the Professor of Biblical Counseling. He is a Fellow with the Association of Biblical Counselors and has authored several books, a couple being “The Exemplary Husband” and “Biblical Manhood”.
“Contained in this small volume is an exhaustive list of manifestations of pride, which we must Put Off, followed by the challenging attributes of humility, which Christians can Put On through the Holy Spirit.” This short booklet provides solid biblical instruction on how to remove pride and replace it with humility, the kind we find in the life of Jesus Christ.
Author’s promise to readers:
Scott makes no promises, but his content outlines a clear path and process for a person to change by identifying and putting off pride and putting on a humble spirit.
Strengths of this resource:
This resource is brief, clear, and practical. It makes a great tool for personal growth even for the non-reader or light reader. Stuart Scott provides good charts, diagrams, and succinct definitions and descriptions according to the Bible that are digestible and applicable for anyone who can read and is willing to obey.
One potential weakness is that it contains no stories or illustrations, which is one way it’s able to be small.
Who should read this book and why?
Everyone should read this book! We all struggle with pride. We all need to grow in humility.
Review written by Andy Woodall, Pastor and Biblical Counselor