Single and...Losing a Parent

Singleroots Team

We understand that death is a part of living. As Christians, we trust in God’s faithfulness and His will, even when it’s desperately painful. Many of us don’t like thinking about the inevitable, though–that one day, we’ll have to help care for our parents and eventually bury them–mainly because we think it is a distant reality and not something we have to deal with at the moment.

But that isn’t the case for all singles. For some of us, caring for aging or ill parents is a very real and present reality. Losing a parent is hard no matter what age and despite marital status. It sucks, plain and simple. So how do you handle losing a parent when you are young and single–when you don’t have a spouse to help you process and grieve, when the struggle with loneliness could become even greater?

SaraBeth Fentress knows this struggle all to well. Nearly 4 years ago she lost her mother to cancer. How did she process this as a thirtysomething single? Here’s her story:

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