10 Steps to Deal with Anger
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10 Steps to Deal with Anger

Chuck Lawless I grew up in a home where my father was prone to fits of anger. They typically didn’t last long, but they were loud and frightening while they were occurring. If you or someone you know has that same tendency, think about these ways to fight it...

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Anger Lite: Being Annoyed but without Sin
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Anger Lite: Being Annoyed but without Sin

Paul Tautges As I think about Jesus being irritated by what Warfield calls a human being’s “blundering misunderstanding” of the divine agenda I am left talking to myself, asking questions like these:
How did Jesus experience irritation and yet not succumb to the temptation to sin against those with whom He was annoyed (Heb 4:15)?

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Anger Self-Examination Questions
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Anger Self-Examination Questions

Paul Tautges Each Friday, three men at our church meet over lunch to read through Stuart Scott’s book, The Exemplary Husband. As we near the end of this helpful look at biblical husbanding, we have been studying some of our regrets as husbands. Today’s chapter was on the subject of anger. We found the following list of self-examination questions instructive for our own personal growth,

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