Discipleship Explored

Class Dates:

  • January 23 - March 19, 2022 (8 Sessions, Online or In-Person)

Do you ever find that your faith seems to be missing something? Maybe you have attempted to do all of the right things: church attendance, prayer, reading the Bible, and sharing the Gospel, but your faith still feels lifeless or cold.

What should you do differently to truly experience God as He intends?

What is it that truly drives discipleship to Jesus?

Thats what we’ll be diving into in Discipleship Explored.

Discipleship Explored is an eight-session journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians that helps us get to the heart of discipleship to Jesus.

It is ideal for believers at any stage of the Christian life.

This class includes several elements:

  • Documentary-Style Films: Each week we’ll watch films exploring the book of Philippians and hearing real-life stories from Christians around the world. These videos expand our perspective beyond American Christianity to give us a global view of discipleship to Jesus.

  • Group Discussion: Each class will include discussion based on the video and the weekly study guide on the book of Philippians.

  • A Participants Handbook: Each participant will work through a handbook that includes weekly Bible study, reading plans, and scripture to memorize.

Here are several of the themes we’ll explore:

  • Confirming If You Are Truly Saved

  • Finding Contentment and Joy When Life Hurts

  • Working Through Relational Conflict To Experience Unity

  • Discovering How God Actually Changes Us


  • Rochester: Sunday, 10:30am

  • Webster: Sunday, 10:30am

  • Online: Thursday, 7:00pm

Please contact rwhite@northridgerochester.com with any questions regarding equip courses.