The Journey From More To Better - The Process
This week includes both Week 1 Details to cover with your group (Group ABCs, Beginning of Trimester Group Agreement, Trimester Schedule, etc) and the sermon discussion questions for this weeks sermon. Don't try to squeeze both in.
If you have already covered beginning of the trimester details with your group in a previous gathering, then the sermon discussion questions are included for your group to discuss this week.
2018.01.14 - Drew Karschner - "The Journey From More To Better - The Process"
A part of the "Come On In" series.
Most organizations have a mission, but there has to be a process if the mission is going to come to fruition. Similarly, there is a process to following Jesus, but it’s all about progress, not perfection. So, “Come on in” and take a look at how we make more and better disciples at Northridge.
Philippians 1:3-6