Physical Ground
This is week 1 of our new series Gaining Ground and our Spring Community Group Trimester.
Make sure to review the “Beginning of Trimester Agreement” and Set “Growth Goals” with your Community Group this week in addition to discussing the sermon.
You can find the sermon discussion questions in the Gaining Ground Booklet handed out on Sunday as well as via the links provided below.
Important note:
week 1 and week 2 sermon discussion questions are listed in the wrong order in the booklet.
If using the booklet, Please use the questions on page 32 for Week 1 and the questions on page 28 for week 2
2019.03.24 - Drew Karschner - "Physical Ground"
Jesus said He will build his church, and yet He invites us to be a part of that story. As a church, we are always looking for ways to fulfill our mission of more and better. As we follow God’s lead, He has led us to physical ground for our Webster campus to continue fulfilling the mission He gave us. The question is, will you be a part of it?
Matthew 16