The Spirit-Filled Church

It is easy to meet each week and forget why were are meeting and what we are trying to accomplish.

Before you jump into discussion this week, what areas below might it be helpful to recast vision to your group?

  • Reminder of the goal of group: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Each other

  • Remind the group we want to invite others: Ask who they are inviting? Ask who they know who could be helped by joining the group? Encourage them to invite others they meet on Sundays.

  • Remind your group of the vision or plan to multiply in the future: When is this going to happen? What is your groups plan? Who might consider leading?

  • Remind them group is not about meetings but relationships: Encourage or assign partners during the week to checkin with each other, pray for and with each other, get together.

  • Remind of upcoming socials: What is your group doing outside of your weekly schedule to build relationships and care for each other?


What Every Church Must Look Like


God's Gift To His Church