The Necessity of Prayer

This is week 2 of our 6-week series on prayer.

While we want our groups to talk about prayer and learn from the Scriptures how to pray, we want to do more than just talk about praying. We’d love to spend more time praying together.

Consider abbreviating discussion time so you can spend more time praying with your group. Or consider spending a whole meeting praying and skipping sermon discussion.

Here are some ideas for prayer together:

  • Pick prayer partners.

  • Do extemporaneous prayers (no one assigned, not in a circle). As someone to start and someone to close.

  • Pray one sentence long prayers, thanking God for something:

    • “Thank you for friendships.”

    • “Thank you for listening to us.”

    • “Thank you for dying for us and rising again.”

  • Pray one sentence long prayers asking God for something:

    • “Please forgive our sins.”

    • “Please heal my wife’s body.”

    • “Please save my neighbor.”

  • Pray the Bible by reading one passage at a time and then praying about what you read.

  • Share your requests as you pray instead of talking first and then praying.

  • Call each other during the week and pray with each other.

What else would you add?


Teach Us to Pray


My Problems With Prayer