7 Reasons Community Groups Lose Momentum

We have crested the halfway point of our Community Group year. As our 2nd group trimester nears an end, if you are not intentional, your group can become stale. How do you keep your group from losing momentum? 

At our Recharge Group Leader Training in January, Mark Nelson and Josh Figler shared about 7 Group Momentum Killers. Are any of these true of your group? 

7 Group Momentum Killers 

1. Group Meeting Inconsistency 
Resist the urge to cancel group when only a few people can make it. Some of the best group discussions happen on the nights with only a handful of people. 

2. Group Leader Inconsistency 
Life happens and things are going to come your way, but missing group should be the exception not the rule. Your group members are going to follow your example. 

3. Insufficient Hangout Time 
Make sure your group knows that group begins with hangout time, not the ice breaker or first discussion question. If personal interactions with group members are not a priority, people will feel disconnected and are less likely to return. 

4. Talking about Problems More Than Progress 
If your group primarily talks about the ills of society or negative church experiences, your group will become more depressing than life giving. Guard the tone of your group, celebrate progress publically and deal with problems off-line. 

5. No Outside of Group Interaction 
If you are not interested in this, the others in group will follow your lead. You don't have to organize everything, but you should be the catalyst. The goal is not about doing meetings together, it's about doing life together. 

6. Neglecting Planned Breaks 
We have seen this cycle repeat itself consistently, when groups fail to take breaks, the people in their group will burn out. When people lose motivation to attend, your Community Group becomes less effective. Stay connected during breaks but don't fail to take a break. 

7. Failing to Look Ahead 
Without having something to look forward to, people may become disillusioned. Plan for parties, plan for breaks, plan for serving, and plan for growth. Help your group envision their opportunity to create a place for others to experience community as they invite friends and you multiply your group. 

Which of these 7 Group Momentum Killers does your group need to work on? 

Do you have more questions on how to maintain momentum in your group? Ask your group coach. We are here to help you succeed. 

Some other resources you might find helpful:

Recharging Your Groups Momentum

In this breakout, Mark Nelson and Josh Figler talk about gaining and sustaining healthy momentum in your group. If you've lost it, learn how to get it back. If you have it, learn what you need to keep it.

Common Myths About Adding People To Our Group

Sometimes our tendancy is to want to keep our group just the way it is. Here are 3 common myths about adding new people to a group.


What's next for your group?


Why Don't We Pray for Our Community Group?