Groups Update: To-Know and To-Do This Week
What You Need To Know
Trimester Dates
- Spring Trimester: Sunday, April 1 - Saturday, May 26 (8 Weeks)
- Fall Trimester: Sunday, September 16 - Saturday, November 17 (9 Weeks)
Night of Worship & Communion Dates
We will celebrate communion together as a church at Night of Worship on Sunday night, May 20.
- Set a date to celebrate communion together in your group at least 1 time this trimester. The end of April may be a good time to do this.
Upcoming Sermon Series
Silent Killers (April 8-29 | 4 Weeks)
This series will address underlying heart issues we struggle with including anxiety, stress, worry, fear, depression, guilt, negativity, shame, and expectations.
- Level Up (May 6 - June 3 | 5 weeks)
This series will address spiritual disciplines important to our growth in our faith.
Redwings Game
- Save the Date (Saturday, June 9 at 7:05PM)
- We would love to say thank you to you our Group Leaders for your investment in leading and caring for your group. This is our opportunity to say thank you and spend an evening with you.
- The tickets are free for you and your family and we will also provide food.
- Look for an upcoming RSVP email.
What You Need To Do
Contact Your Group Members
Make it a goal to call all of your group members on the phone before your first week of group; including those people on your roster who you have not heard back from in a while. This is a great opportunity to reach out to them again to see where they are at and help them reengage.
Share the load: Don't make all of these calls yourself, split up your roster with your coleaders or other group members. Download your group roster HERE to share contact info.
- Email Your Group: HERE is a great example from the Haefele/Hohensee/Tomlinson Group of what to include in your weekly reminder email 24-48 hours before every meeting.
Bring Trimester Volunteer Schedule
Instead of asking for people to sign up for shared group responsibilities on the first night, bring a preassigned schedule to your first meeting. Let people know they can connect with you as leaders if there is a schedule conflict or a role they are not comfortable serving in. This is a great way to share leadership by sharing responsibilities for snack, childcare, hosting, and even facilitation.
Discuss Growth Goals Week 1
One of the best ways to help you and your group members grow in your faith is to identify an area in your life you need to work on and then ask each other about it throughout the trimester. At the end of the trimester you can look back and get a clear picture of how you are each progressing in your faith.
Has anything changed with your group?
Have you added new leaders or new group members, or do you have group members in transition? Let your group coach know so we can update your group roster and make sure any new co-leaders have an opportunity to fill out the Group Leader Application.
Additional Resources:
The Top 2 Things Group Members Wish Were Different About Your Group
We asked your Community Group members what they didn't like about your Community Group. What did they say? Are these true of your group?
How Do You Get People To Show Up To Group?
While we can't control people or make decisions for them, here are 2 steps that will help move people from your group roster to your living room.
Northridge Group Leaders Facebook Group
Keep up to date on what is happening in group's ministry at Northridge and share ideas with other Northridge Group Leaders. Join group HERE.
Jason DeGraaff
Community Groups Pastor
Life is better connected!