2 Ways To Help Your Group Know God Better

If we are not careful, it is easy to turn group into a weekly check box and lose sight of our primary goal as a Group Leader.

In efforts to refocus my mind each day I've summarized my goals as a Group Leader, Groups Pastor, and follower of Jesus to do these 3 things:

  1. To connect people to God

  2. To connect people to each other

  3. To connect people to God through each other

I try to remind myself of these 3 goals each morning in prayer before I get consumed with the busyness of the day.

These goals really should be the same goals for every Group Leader and follower of Jesus.

God has created us to know Him, make Him known, and to be known by others.

Groups provide an incredible opportunity for people to come to know God, know and be known by others, and know God better through each other.

We have 2 opportunities coming up to help to us accomplish these goals.

1. Paul Sermon Series - Bonus Content

Do you or your group members struggle to read the Bible daily and understand what you read?

Do you ever wrestle with how you can help your group members grow rooted in their faith with a strong Biblical foundation?

This Sunday, October 6th, we jump into our sermon series on the life of the Apostle Paul.

Along with this series we have put together some additional resources we'd encourage every Group Leader to dive into with their group members.

Every weekday we'll be releasing fresh content:

  • Historical background information on Paul and the Biblical text

  • Devotional thoughts

  • Suggested Scripture readings

  • Reflection questions

  • Paul Series Podcast (Weekly)

You can access this content through the Northridge Church App or by going directly to PaulSeries.com (To be released with the start of the series).

We hope these tools will be helpful for both you and the people in your group to better engage with the Bible and grow in knowledge of God.

2. Communion - October 20th-31st

Central to Biblical community and our relationship with God is remembering Christ's death, burial, and resurrection on our behalf.

Christian community that doesn't regularly remember the centrality of the cross, fails to reflect the church community that God established.

One way we keep the cross central is by participating in communion together.

We are encouraging all groups to take a portion of their group meeting time to celebrate communion together in either of the last 2 weeks of October (20th-31st).

What ways have you and your group members helped each other better engage with God's Word and grow in knowledge of Him? We'd love to share your ideas with other leaders!

Additional Resources

2 Reasons Community Groups Don't Work

What Your Group Members Aren't Telling You

What Can We Expect From Group?

Fall 2019 Re:Group Talks and Breakouts


Contact your Group Coach or search this website. We'd love to be a resource to you!



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