10 Games You Can Play Online With Your Group
We have 3 weeks left of our Spring Group Trimester.
As we wrap up the groups year we'd love for every group to spend some time celebrating Christ's victory over sin and death by sharing Communion. You can find Communion Instructions HERE. Obviously this will need to be a bit different as each group member supplies their own bread and juice.
In addition to a special time of celebrating communion, one way to change it up with your group and have some fun together, would be to try a Virtual Game Night.
That might sound like a cool idea, but how would that work?
10 Games You Can Play Online With Your Group
1. Scavenger Hunt
The host calls out a household item and the first person to fetch the item and bring it back wins. This could be a great game for groups that want to include their kids.
2. Trivia Night
Check out this free Trivia Generator: www.randomtriviagenerator.com/. As a Pi2 opportunity, you could even invite your neighbors to join your group in playing together.
3. Pictionary
Thanks to Zoom, you can share a whiteboard with everyone and start drawing. The first person to guess the drawing in the chat gets a point. At the end of the night, the person with the most points wins.
How to play on Zoom (From Elite Daily): To use Zoom's whiteboard, you'll want to click the share screen button located in your meeting toolbar, select the whiteboard, and click share. You should then see annotation tools that will let you use your mouse to draw as you would for Pictionary. You can take turns sharing the screen's whiteboard depending on who's turn it is, and you can put someone in charge of keeping time for the person who is drawing.
4. Bingo
You can play a traditional game with a virtual caller using a website like (https://myfreebingocards.com/virtual-bingo) or you could play a custom game around a movie or TV show your group wants to watch.
5. Karaoke
YouTube has plenty of karaoke songs that you and your group can sing along to! Go from person-to-person or family-to-family and whoever gives the best/funniest performance wins the night.
6. Charades
You barely need any materials to play this game. Just divide up in teams and use individual chats to talk together and get the rounds going. HERE is a rules refresher.
7. Heads Up
Using the Heads Up app on your smartphone, place the phone on your forehead. You'll need to guess the word on your phone based on your friends' clues before the timer runs out! Get the people in your group to download this app and the family with the highest score wins the night! HERE are some instructions on how to play virtually.
8. Jackbox Games
Jackbox includes a number of party games designed for online play by multiple people on platforms like Zoom and Google Hangouts. Popular games on Jackbox that Northridge Groups have used include: Quiplash, Drawful, and Fibbiage. Make sure the family filter is turned on before you play to remove inappropriate questions.
HERE are detailed instructions on how to play Jackbox games via Zoom or Google Hangouts.
9. Scattergories
Scattergories rules are simple: There is one letter and five categories. You have 1 minute to come up with a word that fits in each category and starts with the chosen letter. The more unique your answer is compared to your friends' answers, the more points you get.
To play check out this free game generator.
10. Name, Place, Animal, Thing
To play, pick a letter. Each player has to list a famous person's name, a place, an animal, and a thing that begins with that letter. The first person to type them into the Zoom chat wins.
Have fun! Thanks for all you do to encourage, connect with, and care for your group!