7 Updates & Details To Prepare For The Winter Group Trimester

Hi Group Leaders,

I hope you enjoyed your winter break and had a chance to rest and replenish as you prepare for a new season of connection and care with those in your group.

Our Winter Community Group Trimester kicks off in 10 days, January 16th.

Here are 7 things things to know and do as you get ready for your first meeting.

1. Confirm Your Meeting Format

COVID-19 has led a lot of groups to change up their meeting format. How is that going for you? Is there another meeting format you'd like to try this trimester?

Here are a few of the different ways groups have tried meeting this past year:

  • Classic Format - Mixed Gender, Weekly Meeting, Split Prayer Time

  • Gender Split - Weekly or Bi-Weekly Gender Specific Gatherings

  • Hybrid Options:

  • Men/Women alternate weeks of meeting online and in-person.

  • In-Person for those who are able to make it, while including those who can't attend in-person via Zoom, or a phone call during prayer time.

  • Public Meeting Spaces - Holding gender specific weekly meetings at a rotation of coffee shops, restaurants, libraries, parks/playgrounds, etc. Parents can alternate watching children while their spouse meets with group members.

  • Bi-Weekly Meetings - Meeting formally every other week, and informally on the off weeks.

  • Online - Holding weekly meetings all online. Either with all genders together, or in smaller gender specific meetings.

Whatever meeting format you choose, the goal is building community, not holding meetings.

2. Put Together Your Meeting Schedule

If you haven't put together your meeting schedule yet, get all of your group members involved by creating a shared volunteer schedule ahead of time and discussing it in your first meeting.

Plan where you are going to meet, who is facilitating discussion, watching the kids, bringing snack, etc.

3. Decide What You Plan To Discuss

Most groups discuss the sermon series each week. Here are the sermon series we'll be teaching this trimester as you think through what you plan to discuss:

  • Habits of Change (Spiritual Disciplines). January 9th - February 20th (7 Weeks)

    • Prayer/Fasting

    • Community

    • God's Word

    • Rest/Sabbath

    • Generosity

    • Service

    • Sharing Your Faith

  • Final Words (An exposition of Jesus 7 final statements on the cross). February 27th - April 10th (7 Weeks)

    • Father forgive them

    • Today you will be with me in paradise

    • Behold your son, behold your mother

    • My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

    • I thirst

    • It is finished

    • Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit

Here are some other Curriculum Ideas In Addition To Sermon Discussion:

4. Contact Your Group

This may seem obvious, but it can be easy lose touch with your group members during the hectic holiday schedule. Before you know it, it can be weeks between connections.

Whether it's a phone call or a text, make sure to reach out to each of your group members before your first meeting.

5. Invite Potential Leaders to Re:Group

We'll be hosting our next Re:Group Leader Kickoff on Sunday, February 6th from 5:00-6:30pm. We'll be focusing on our last Group Leader Essential: Replace Yourself.

I don't know of a group that wouldn't love to have more leaders, but how do we find them? That's what we'll be discussing at Re:Group.

If you have potential leaders in your group, this is a great opportunity to get them in the game.

Invite them to join you on February 6th. More details to come next week.

6. Set Growth Goals

How do you know if your group members are growing spiritually?

One of the clearest ways is to set goals, and track each others growth as you encourage each other to take a next step to look more like Jesus.

Have each group member set a goal in the first or second meeting, and then follow up with each other throughout the next few months.

The Habits for Change series could be a great resource for goal setting.

7. Opening Your Beyond Boxes With Your Group

In December we handed out Christmas Gift Beyond Boxes for your group.

If you didn't get yours yet, you can find it on the lobby this Sunday.

We promised more details about what is in the box and how to use them.

Watch this video where Michelle Gerringer opens a box and explains how to use it with your group.

How Can We Help?

How are you doing? Is there anything we can help with? Reach out to your coach.

If you haven't had a chance to meet up with your coach yet this fall, we'd love to connect in-person or online.

Upcoming Community Group Dates

  • Winter Community Group Trimester: January 16th - March 19th (9 Weeks)

  • Re:Group Leader Kickoff: Sunday, February 6th, 5:00-6:30pm (New Leader Breakout 4:15-4:50PM)

Keep up-to-date with what happening in our group ministry on the Group Leader's Website, Facebook Group, and Podcast.

Additional Resources

14 Outdoor Social Ideas For Your Group

Finding Future Leaders

Why and How To Share Facilitation


3 Questions & 2 Updates


Pick Up A Beyond Box For Your Group