3 Things To Do Before Group Ends and Summer Begins

We have 2 weeks left of our Community Group season. As you wrap up your final few weeks, here are 3 things to do to set your group up for success this summer and fall.

1. Set Summer Growth Goals

Community Groups are about spiritual growth. If we don't set goals for spiritual growth, we are not likely to make progress.

As you review your growth goals from this past semester, make sure to take time to set a goal for this summer:

  • Read a book

  • Memorizing scripture

  • Invite an unbeliever over for a BBQ

  • Replace TV time with reading time or devotions with family or friends

  • Listen to the A Little Better Podcast weekly

  • Etc.

Text each other throughout the summer, or connect for coffee or a bite and ask each other about your progress.

2. Get Feedback From Your Group

Do you know what your group members actually think about your group? Are there things they love or things they are frustrated about that you are unaware of? You won't know until you ask.

In a few weeks we'll be surveying all Group Leaders and Group Members to learn about what we can do better as a church to have a more effective groups ministry. We value your feedback as we seek to improve.

In fact, here are the top 2 things we usually hear from Group Members:

  • I wish my group started and ended on time.

  • I wish my group did more gatherings outside of weekly meetings.

Here is the top thing we usually hear from Group Leaders:

  • I wish people showed up more consistently! (We always survey you at the end of the year when attendance is most spotty, so that is usually at the top of our minds as leaders.)

What do your group members think about your group?

Hand out a 3x5 card the last week of group and ask people to answer two questions:

  1. What do you like most about our group?

  2. What do you wish was different about our group? What would you change?

If people miss that meeting, email them those questions.

That feedback will be invaluable as you seek to create a group environment where people can experience community and grow in their faith.

3. Plan Summer Gatherings

Summer is almost here and groups will be on break. While we encourage you to take advantage of that break to refresh yourself, don't completely disconnect.

If you don't put gatherings on your calendar now, they probably are not going to happen.

A good goal could be to have 1 gathering each month throughout the summer.

Here are some ideas:

What summer gatherings have worked well for your group?

I'd love to hear your ideas so we can pass them along to other leaders! Email me HERE.

How Can We Help?

How are you doing? Is there anything we can help with? Reach out to your coach.

If you haven't had a chance to meet up with your coach about how your group is doing and what's next for your group, we'd love to connect.

Upcoming Community Group Dates

  • Spring Community Group Trimester: April 3 - May 28th (8 Weeks)

  • Red Wings Baseball Game (Group Leader Thank You): Friday, June 3, 7:05pm (RSVP HERE)

Keep up-to-date with what happening in our group ministry on the Group Leader's Website, Facebook Group, and Podcast.

Additional Resources

9 Tips To Finishing Your Group Well

Why Summer Is Dangerous For You And You Group

5 Reasons We Need Group Relationships In Addition To Existing Relationships

Only Half of My Group Showed Up Last Night

8 Simple Steps To Raise Up New Leaders


Red Wings Game Details - Friday, June 3rd


5 Reasons We Need Group Relationships In Addition To Our Existing Relationships