Do This At Your Group This Week
Hi Group Leaders,
This week we begin the final Community Groups trimester of the year.
As we get ready for the last 6 weeks of the group, here are few details you should know to help you finish strong.
Upcoming Sermon Series
Who is This Jesus? (On Location Israel Series)
Most Americans have heard the name of Jesus. Maybe they’ve even heard a few things He said or did. But who is Jesus really? What was He like? Where did He live? What did He really care about? We’ll explore these questions and more while on location in Israel, where Jesus walked and spent His days on earth.
4/16 - Jesus invitation for Nicodemus to believe (John 3)
4/23 - Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead (John 11)
4/30 - Jesus cleansing of the temple (John 2:13-17
5/6 - Jesus Transfiguration (Matthew 16-17)
Seven Subtle Sins of Society
What if there were things in our life that we had no idea were destroying us? Like a frog in a kettle who doesn’t know he’s about to be boiled, Christians in the 21st century often fail to notice the pieces of our society that are causing havoc to our souls. In this series, we want to expose accepted, overlooked, and subtle sins of society, so we can avoid their pitfalls and instead follow the path that leads to life.
5/13 - Comfort (Matthew 16:21-26)
5/20 - Gossip (James 3)
- Spring Trimester Ends -
5/27 - Control (James 4:13-17)
6/4 - Comparison (Luke 18:9-14)
6/11 - Complacency (Amos 6:1-7)
6/18 - Consumerism (Haggai 1:2-8)
6/25 - Gluttony (Philippians 3:18-20)
This Weeks Group Discussion
This week Drew is teaching on the story of Nicodemus from John 3. We see Nicodemus considering faith in Jesus, but not sure if he believes.
This is a great week to ask the people in your group where they are at in their faith journey. If you have people on the front end of faith or considering Christianity, this could be a good opportunity to encourage them to cross the line of faith, and potentially pray to receive Christ right in your prayer time.
If that may be too intimidating, perhaps you could setup a time after your group meeting to grab coffee or a meal with them and talk with them about placing their faith in Christ.
Inconsistent Attendance
I see this every year, after a long Rochester winter, group attendance tends to drop off in the spring. It may be the Sunday holidays, kids sports schedules, or it could be that when the days are longer and warmer, people would rather be outside doing something else.
While you can't make people show up, one of the ways to push against the trend of drifting at the end of the groups year, is to set Growth Goals together as a group.
It doesn't take long when we are disconnected from Christian Community to make decisions we regret or grow distant in our relationship with Christ.
Take some time in group this week to set goals together.
Upcoming Dates
April 16th - May 27th Spring Community Group Trimester (6 weeks)
Friday, June 2nd, 7:05pm Group Leader Red Wings Game
If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, please reply to the email or reach out to your coach.
We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.
Additional Resources That May Be Helpful
How To Find and Keep New People
How Do You Get People To Show Up To Group?
Only Half Of My Group Showed Up Last Night
Why Group Relationships Are Ineffective
5 Reasons We Need Group Relationships In Addition To Our Existing Relationships