What You Need To Know & Do Before Groups Begin
This Sunday, our Winter Community Group Trimester kicks off. This is a 9 week trimester, meeting from January 12 - March 15.
As you get ready for your first meeting next week, here are a few things to know and do before your first meeting.
1. Decide What Your Group Plans to Discuss
We are asking all Community Groups to go through the Financial Peace University Curriculum February 16 - March 15.
You can read more about that here, or watch the video below that explains the details.
The Search Within: Addressing Life’s Existential Questions
Before your group goes through FPU, we have a 5 week sermon series about life's existential questions January 12 - February 9.
Description: At some point in our lives, every person, religious or non-religious, asks the same fundamental questions about our existence. Where did I come from? What is the purpose of my existence? What is wrong with me? Where do I belong? How can I know what is true? In this series, we’ll explore these questions as we look at the fundamental and foundational beliefs of the Christian faith.
You may also consider doing a video study or going through a book of the Bible.
2. Put Together A Preassigned Volunteer Schedule
Download the Volunteer Schedule Template HERE.
Instead of asking for people to sign up for shared group responsibilities on the first night, bring a preassigned schedule to your first meeting.
Let people know they can connect with you as leaders if there is a schedule conflict or a role they are not comfortable serving in.
This is a great way to share leadership by sharing responsibilities for snack, childcare, hosting, and even facilitation.
3. Communicate Trimester Plans To Your Group
Below is the email I sent to my Community Group about discussing FPU and our trimester plan.
Feel free to use it as a template for your communication and to help cast vision for FPU.
4. Invite Prospective Leaders to Re:Group
You will be receiving an RSVP email shortly for Re:Group. This is a great opportunity to raise up new leaders in your group by inviting them to our group leader kickoff and New Leader Breakout.
In the next 3 weeks, who can you talk with and invite to Re:Group?
February 2, 5:00pm-6:30pm (Dinner & Childcare Provided)
Theme: Known. "How do we get our group members to drop the mask, be honest about who they are, and how they are really doing?"
How Can We Help You?
How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!
Additional Resources You May Find Helpful
Details on All-Play Money Group Discussion for Next Trimester (Article/Video)
Curriculum Ideas for Your Next Trimester (Article)
Discussing a Book of the Bible in Group (Article)
7 Childcare Ideas For Your Group (Article)