Growth Content
Looking for some ideas for what's next on your journey? We want to resource you to grow in your faith, whether you study individually or in community group. This recommended list of studies, podcasts, and resources will help you go deeper in your understanding of God’s Word and then live it out in obedience.
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Dad Tired: A community of men who are taking their faith, family, and marriage very seriously
Pardon the Mess : Parenting can be messy, don't walk the road alone. Join us every week on Pardon the Mess as each episode points us to Jesus in our parenting through the experiences, wisdom, and encouragement of our amazing guests.
Marriage and Family podcast:
ImBetween: The IMbetween Podcast is a conversation on marriage, parenting, faith, and everything in between.
FamilyLife: Fun, engaging conversations about what it takes to build stronger, healthier marriage and family relationships.
UnBelievable: Each Saturday, in the award-winning radio show and podcast Unbelievable?, Justin Brierley asks questions like: Is there evidence for God? Can we trust the Bible? Did Jesus rise from the dead? Justin tackles these and other issues, on a show that gets Christians and skeptics talking.
Theology, Life and Culture:
The Crossway Podcast: The Crossway Podcast is a show where we sit down with authors each week for thoughtful interviews about the Bible, theology, church history, and the Christian life.
Quick to Listen: Each week the editors of Christianity Today go beyond hashtags and hot-takes and set aside time to explore the reality behind a major cultural event.
Ask Pastor John: John Piper answering tough theological and pastoral questions.
Paul Tripp Podcast: Paul’s driving passion is to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life.
A Little Better Podcast - Northridge: a weekly podcast that dives deeper into Sunday’s message
Bible Studies
True faith produces fruit. A faith without action and without life change is ultimately a dead faith. The book of James speaks to the realities of a living faith in Jesus—the kind of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty discipleship that is borne out of an authentic relationship with the risen Lord. James writes to believers who know suffering, who've faced trials, and who ultimately desire a deep relationship with God.
Francis Chan unpacks the dense truth contained in the book of James in front of the iconic backdrop of San Francisco, the city where he lives and ministers. Through 12 sessions, Francis works through James verse-by-verse, challenging followers of Christ to move beyond a private, intellectual knowledge of God and His Word, to a vibrant faith that impacts every square inch of life.
Comfortable Christianity often means a weak Christianity. In this study on John’s three letters, Dr. Tony Evans challenges Christians who have grown comfortable and complacent in their faith. Fellowship with God is the essence of our faith, and Tony walks through 1, 2 & 3 John to paint a picture of love, obedience, and truth. In a world that hates Jesus, we are called to love Him and His people with a fierce love. Download the study guide HERE.
What we think about Jesus matters. Our perception of Him shapes us—what we say, how we treat others, even what we think. If we paint Jesus as any less than who He is as supreme over all creation and savior of the world, not only does our theology slip, but the working out of our faith also suffers.
In this 8-session series, Louie Giglio will take us through the book of Colossians to help us form a complete picture of Jesus. What we believe about Him influences everything from our corporate worship to our relationships to our attitude toward sin. Now alive in Christ, we can live a life worthy of God instead of falling back into the ways of the world.
At the end of the day, God is less concerned with what we do for Him than who we are in Him. Few figures illustrate that truth better than Jonah. Focused on the prophet rather than his prophecy, the story of Jonah gives us a picture of a man on the run due to his own selfish desires. Instead of showing mercy to his enemies, he determined to keep God's grace to himself rather than share it with those he considered undeserving. Can you relate?
Over the course of 8 verse-by-verse sessions, pastor and author Eric Mason expands our vision to see that Jonah's story is our own. Far more than a thrilling Sunday school adventure, it offers a profound glimpse into the conflict that occurs when God calls resistant believers to His mission. More importantly, it underscores the depths of His compassion not only in redeeming the lost, but redeeming those He has called to participate in His reconciling work.
Has it ever dawned on you that nothing has ever dawned on God? He knew before the world began that His people would face hardship, so He gave us His Word. The Book of Ephesians is a survival manual—it equips believers to thrive in a world that hates the message of Jesus Christ. Paul the Apostle writes to encourage believers to live well—we've been lifted from the graveyard of sin and called to shout the gospel into the darkened world.
Pastor and author J.D. Greear walks through the powerful words of Paul. In 9 sessions, J.D. digs into the text of Ephesians verse-by-verse and challenges believers to live out the gospel. If the people of your city, of your school, of your family are going to hear the gospel, it's going to be from your mouth. Encounter Ephesians, and get swept up into the story of Jesus.
The Gospel of Mark chronicles Jesus’s journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. Along the way, the Messiah gathers a ragged band of disciples. As crowds grow and dwindle on the road to Jerusalem, only a few stick by the Suffering Savior on the road of discipleship.
In this 11-part series on the Gospel of Mark, author and speaker Francis Chan invites us to walk with him along the ancient ways of the Master. Tracing the steps of Jesus and the Twelve through Israel, Francis explores the major themes of the Gospel of Mark, and asks: Are we willing to take this journey to embrace discipleship?
If someone asked you to explain the gospel, what would you say? What is the good news of the Christian faith? Writing to the Galatians, Paul made it clear how easily we can be tempted to turn toward fraudulent gospels, especially those that teach we can earn God’s love through our works. Though they may have the appearance of truth, they are lifeless and leave us empty in the end.
In this Book of the Bible series, Kyle Idleman dives into the book of Galatians, one that contains some of the clearest explanations of the gospel in the New Testament. Through biblical study and engaging lessons, Kyle shows that true freedom is found in surrender, not self-dependence. Because our gospel is not one based on our works, but faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Chip Ingram, unpacking the book of Titus, challenges us to display the gospel in our lives through doing good. We do good works not to earn God’s favor, but as a result of God’s favor. When the gospel has truly taken root in our lives, it produces the fruit of godliness. As we pass these things on to future generations, the Church stands in bright contrast to the darkness of the world.
Topical Studies
Ephesians 2:11–16 carries a unique importance regarding an issue that has plagued American churches since the conception of America itself—racism.
In this five-part series, pastors Bryan Loritts and Matt Chandler use Paul’s words in Ephesians to address race, racism, and injustice. Through teaching and honest dialogues, Bryan and Matt will unpack the hard truths about America’s racial past and present and suggest a pathway forward of healing, justice, and hope for multiethnic harmony in the church.
In this series, you will learn hear God’s voice by learning how to read the Bible more effectively. Topics include:
Begin with the Right Goals
Read with Humility
Pay Attention to Details
Discern Author's Flow of Thought
Study the World Behind the Text
Read Each Passage in Light of Scripture as a Whole
Be Sensitive to Genre
Live What You Learn
Clarifying the Bible is a two-hour video presentation divided into 8 sessions that gives viewers the basic framework and storyline of the Bible. The material is presented in a passionate, compelling fashion, and in the end delivers on its promise to help people see the Bible with more clarity than ever before.
Failure, rejection, sickness, losing a loved one, being alone—the fears we carry are many and heavy. Fear can be a tyrant, a bully we can't hide from. It can paralyze our spirit, damage our relationships, and hinder our faith. When we're struck with fear, where do we turn? Can God really be trusted?
In five heartfelt sessions based on her book, Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves, speaker and author Trillia Newbell invites women to explore their fears and how those fears impact their relationships, self-esteem, peace of mind, and walk with God. Each session features real-life stories of women who are wrestling with fear due to tragic events, difficult circumstances, or deep anxiety about what may or may not happen. Trillia will walk through Scriptures that show God's love and strength when we are afraid and His faithfulness in times of trouble.