Biographical Sketches Candidate for Oversight Team Dave Baxter There is one opening on the Oversight Team. This will be Dave's first term following a year off. For this nominee, do you affirm the Oversight Team's recommendation? Yes No John McIntyre John has served one three-year term and is eligible to begin his second this year. For this nominee, do you affirm the Oversight Team's recommendation? Yes No Candidates for Stewardship Team There are six openings on the Stewardship Team. For each nominee, do you affirm the Oversight Team's recommendation? As a reminder, all of the candidates are eligible to serve. You do not have to choose between them. Brian Brady Yes No Bruce Buell Yes No Jeff Mapes Yes No Steve Powell Yes No Debra Reed Yes No Sandy Wight Yes No Thank you!If you have any questions please call the church office (585-338-7810) or email Jeff Mapes ( or Scott Bixby (