Our Mission


Jesus is our message

No matter what we do, we want it to point back to Jesus and the Gospel message. Whether that's through a game, worship, a sermon, or small groups, we want Jesus to be the center of every area of our ministry. Jesus is our message.

Worship is our calling

We believe that we are called to worship Jesus in every moment. Not only are we called to worship our savior, but He is worthy of our worship. We want to be a people that live worshipful lives, constantly pointing back to Jesus. Worship is our calling. 

Community is our heart

We desire that NYM be a home away from home for everyone who walks through our doors. This is why we intentionally are always thinking and acting on how to make people feel like they belong. We don’t want to just say Welcome Home, we want people to know that they are Home. Life is better connected when you are connected to a family. Community bleeds from our veins. We demonstrate this heart, through an intimate small group setting. Community is our heart.

Growth is our goal

We want to be a people that are always growing. A people that grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, is something we desire to be. Our growth goal is that we would be a people that look more like Jesus daily. Growth is our goal.

Service is our pursuit

We want to be a people that serve. Servant leadership is a pursuit for all of NYM. Jesus was the example when it came to servant leadership, and we understand that the greatest leaders are the best servers. We want to serve others and lead them to the feet of our servant leader - Jesus. Service is our pursuit.

Invite is our mission

We want to be people who are inviting others to join the mission. Not to add in numbers, but to bring people to Jesus. He is all we need. We are on a mission, inviting more people to come to him and to come to grow in him. Whether they have a relationship with Jesus or are searching for a savior, invite is our mission.