NYM Parent blog | June 2023

NYM Parents,

May Recap

In May we were able to dive into exploring how God wants us to honor him within our relationships. I started the series by sharing who God is. God is love, and the only way we are able to love others is by first abiding in Jesus. From there, I followed up with how to love our friends well. Our students were also challenged to think through how to love when friendships are hard by Maddie. We heard from Adam Congdon about how to think Biblically when it comes to marriage.  We had a lot of great discussions in our Small Groups and I hope and pray your students felt challenged and encouraged to grow in their relationships.  Our theme night on May 24th was Sports and the students had a blast wearing their favorite sports jerseys and eating popcorn.  Our students also had a memorable evening on May 31st connecting with their small groups and leaders off-site while they had cooking challenges, games, bonfires and bonding time!

June Schedule

This month we will be exploring a couple of God’s encounters with Moses.  

June 7th:  God & Moses | 6:30-8:30 | Snack Shack Open

June 14th:  God & Moses | 6:30-8:30 | Snack Shack Open

June 21st:  God & Moses | 6:30-8:30 |Snack will be provided

June 28th:  We will be honoring our Graduating Seniors | 6:30-8:30 | Snack Shack Open


On June 21st we will be welcoming our incoming 6th graders.  We will also be celebrating theme night that night Hawaiian Style!  

We will be meeting for NYM Summer Nights throughout July.  

Volunteer Spotlight

Betsy Hennigan and her family have been attending Northridge for 8 years.  She has 2 students in NYM.  She has been serving in NYM for a year welcoming our New Students.  Next year she will be one of our 6th Grade Girls Leaders.  In her free time she and her family love to explore.  They explore different towns, new restaurants, new places, new hiking trails.  They are an adventurous family.  A huge thank you to Betsy for the way she loves on our students and makes them feel right at home!

Volunteer Opportunities

June 21st we will have our Next Level Event right before NYM for our incoming 6th graders from 6-8:30.  We would love to provide childcare for any family in need of it so they can come to the evening with their incoming 6th grader.  If you would be willing to help out with childcare from 6-8:30 please email Jenn at JCongdon@northridgerochester.com

Saranac Summer Camp (Aug 11-14)

Summer Camp Registration is LIVE! You can find it on our website HERE. I have more good news - we have dropped the camp total from $350 to $275. We cannot wait to have your student with us at camp this summer:) 


  • I'm praising God for the interns that have joined us this summer! We have 3 interns that are here specifically for NYM : 

    • Jakob Macdonald (Roc NYM) 

    • Hannah Lent (Roc NYM) 

    • Liz Phillips (Web NYM) 

Prayer Request

  • Please pray for our incoming 6th graders that will be entering NYM on June 21st. Pray for leaders to lead, for parents to send their kids, and for the 6th graders to get adjusted well. 

  • Please pray for our outgoing seniors. Pray for their summers as they get ready to head off to jobs and college. 

Spiritual Encouragement

For the month of May’s blog I shared from Psalm 139:1-4. This Months blog will continue with Psalm 139:5-8. Psalm 139:5-8 says : “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit?  Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” I find such comfort in being in the presence of God wherever I go. It's something that I can so quickly forget - that my God is always with me. Whether I go up to the highest point, or the lowest darkness he is there. He is there when things are great, and he is there when I'm in the dark night of the soul. In fact, he is always close, laying his hand upon our very shoulders. Like a shepherd guiding sheep through the mud, he guides you and I through life, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in. Wherever you are today, remind yourself that there is nowhere you can go, where His spirit is not with you. He is with you, and he goes before you. 

Partnering with You, 

Conell Christiansen & NYM Team, 


NYM Parent Blog | May 2023