Small Group Leader Questions | 1.19.22
Wk 3: A Dating GPS | January 19th, 2021
BIG IDEA : When it comes to dating, have you followed God's GPS, or your own GPS?
SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 4:23; Jeremiah 17:9; 2 Thess. 3:5; Proverbs 13:20; Song of Solomon 8:4
ICE BREAKER (5 mins)
What is the best way to spend a snow day?
DISCUSSION (10 mins - Choose 2 Questions)
(Ask students to recap the message).
Conell asked the question, “have you followed God’s GPS or your own GPS?” in regard to dating, but how would you answer this generally?
How did this message challenge you to think/respond differently to the idea of dating?
Conell made the point that we often follow our heart/feelings and Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts.
How do feelings or emotions mislead us? What does it mean to guard your heart? Why do you think it is important?
We learned that we should date by starting with the Bible, intentionally, in community, and setting boundaries.
Choose one of these areas and talk about the why and how behind them.
DIGGING DEEPER (10-12 Minutes)
Conell said “you will never love well unless the Lord directs your love”. The first step in this is understanding and resting in God’s love. As a group, READ PSALM 136:1-9; 26.
UNDERLINE what is repeated in these verses.
What does steadfast mean? What is unique about God’s love according to these verses?
What is your response to knowing God’s love is always present and never failing?
APPLICATION (10-12 minutes)
God’s GPS for dating starts with the Bible or getting to know and love God more through His Word.
What distracts you from growing this relationship with God? How can you change that?
How has neglecting or being disengaged with your relationship with God impacted your relationships with other people?
God’s GPS for dating means dating INTENTIONALLY or not just for your happiness, popularity, etc.
How do you be intentional with people in your life? How are you intentional with your relationship with God?
God’s GPS for dating means dating in COMMUNITY.
In general, why is community so important? What about for relationships?
Who would you consider your biblical community? Who are friends and mentors you can talk to/seek wisdom from for dating/other areas of life?
God’s GPS for dating means setting BOUNDARIES. This means emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc.
What are examples of boundaries (Leaders: give ideas of boundaries for friendships too!)? What makes them hard?
We are not perfect and do not always obey God how we should. What hope do we have when this happens?
ICE BREAKER (5 mins)
What is the best way to spend a snow day?
DISCUSSION (10 mins - Choose 2 Questions)
(Ask students to recap the message).
How would you respond to Conell’s main question: when it comes to dating, have you followed God’s GPS or your own GPS?
How did this message challenge you to think/respond differently?
Conell made the point that we often follow our heart/feelings in dating and Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts.
What danger is there in following our feelings/emotions in dating relationships? Why is guarding our hearts in this way so important?
We learned that we should date by starting with the Bible, intentionally, in community, and setting boundaries.
Choose one of these areas and talk about the why and how behind them.
DIGGING DEEPER (10-12 Minutes)
Conell said “you will never love well unless the Lord directs your love”. The first step in this is understanding and resting in God’s love. As a group, READ PSALM 136:1-9; 26.
UNDERLINE what is repeated in these verses.
What does steadfast mean? What is unique about God’s love according to these verses?
What is your response to knowing God’s love is always present and never failing?
APPLICATION (10-12 minutes)
God’s GPS for dating starts with the Bible or getting to know and love God more through His Word.
What distracts you from growing this relationship with God? How can you change that?
How has neglecting or being disengaged with your relationship with God impacted your relationships with other people?
God’s GPS for dating means dating INTENTIONALLY or not just for your happiness, popularity, etc.
What have been some of your motives/reasons for dating in the past? How can you instead date intentionally?
God’s GPS for dating means dating in COMMUNITY.
Why is dating in community important?
Who would you consider your biblical community? Who are friends and mentors you can talk to/seek wisdom from for dating/other areas of life?
God’s GPS for dating means setting BOUNDARIES. This means emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc.
What area is hardest for you to set those boundaries? Write it here if you do not feel comfortable sharing with the group:
How is there hope in God for areas we have not been obedient?