Small Group Questions | 5.18.22
Esther Wk 3: Faithful: Then, Here, and Again
Scripture: Esther 5
BI: You do not need to know the details to know He will be faithful
What is your favorite summer activity?
(Ask students to recap the message).
What stood out to you from today’s message?
What was significant about Haman’s plan to kill Mordecai in the story?
What uncertainty are you facing right now?
What details do you wish you knew?
What question does it prompt you to ask God?
Read/discuss answers to how God has been faithful then, here, and will be again in your lives.
READ PSALM 33:1-5; 20-22
What from these verses can you apply to the conversation about uncertainty and God’s faithfulness?
Spend this time in prayer as a group/hearing about each other’s highs, lows, etc.