Parent Cue: week of June 28th
Summer Content UPDATE
Changes are coming! We are so excited to be feeling to warm sunshine more regularly now in the Rochester area! And with the coming of Summer Northridge Kids staff will be changing up the content that we will be providing to your family! Those changes are a reflection from the parent & family survey that was given out last week and now the Kids team will be providing…
We will continue to provide weekend Church @ Home Experiences through Orange Curriculum. You will no longer be able to find those on YouTube you will have to visit the Church @ Home Page on the kids ministry website.
NEW! Twice a week online kids devotions that will be posted to social media as well as our YouTube page. These devotionals will have the goal of being a tool for families to gather around God’s word together.
Also, we will continue to give Summer and other activities via our social media accounts.
These changes will start next week which is the first week of July! We cannot wait to see each one of your families whenever we are able to see each other face to face. Until then thank you so much for allowing us to partner with your families online!
Preschool Resources
Memory Verse: “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” John 20:31 NIV
Bible Story Focus: I spy someone I can tell about Jesus.
Peter and Cornelius • Acts 10
Ask your kids: Who can believe in Jesus? (I can believe in Jesus)
Elementary Resources
Life App: Faith—Trusting in what you can't see because of what you can see
Memory Verse: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 NIV
Bible Story: Reach Out I’ll Be There (Peter Goes to the House of Cornelius) • Acts 10
Bottom Line: Knowing Jesus changes the way you see others.
Ask Your Kids: What are some ways people are different from each other?
How does it make your life better if you show love to someone who is different from you or that you wouldn’t normally show love to? How does it make their life better?