KiDS Monthly Parent Cue: FEBRUARY
Preschool Resources
Bible Story: THROUGH THE ROOF — Jesus heals a paralyzed man
Big Idea: God loves everybody, so He helps you love everybody. Show you’re friends with God by sharing with others and caring for them. Help them when they need it! Be a good friend by telling everybody about Jesus and what He did so they can be God’s friend, too.
Ask your kids: How does God help you be a good friend? (God helps me care and share!)
Memory Verse: “Share with God’s people who are in need.” Romans 12:13 NIRV
Elementary Resources
Bible Story: The Centurion’s Servant • Matthew 8:5-13
Big Idea: Jesus has God’s power.
Bible Story: Jesus Stills the Storm • Matthew 8:23-27
Big Idea: Jesus’ power has no limits.
Bible Story: Jesus Heals the Paralytic • Matthew 9:1-8
Big Idea: Jesus uses His power to help us.
Bible Story: Jairus • Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26
Big Idea: Jesus’ power shows us who He is.
Memory Verse: Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Matthew 28:18 NIV