KiDS Weekly Experience Guide & Parent Cue: week of November 1st
Happy November! We have been anxiously awaiting this month to arrive because starting today, our entire church will be studying the life of Moses! As you know, the adults are halfway through an 8 week series on the life of Moses. This week our preschool AND Elementary environments will also begin a month long study on the life of Moses. We believe this will provide a huge advantage for parents since all of your kids will be learning about the same Bible Story while you are also learning about Moses. Going forward we would love to take as many opportunities as we can to align the teaching content across all of our environments. In order to do this effectively, our Elementary environments will begin using a new curriculum called Grow. You may notice in our weekly experience guide that things look a little bit different. We chose this new curriculum because we believe this curriculum will guide us toward focusing on God’s Word and what it has to tell about Who God is, what He has done and said, and what it looks like to follow Him. Through this new focus, kids will be diving into Scripture and seeing the story of God’s plan unfold throughout the Bible as one story all pointing to Jesus.
Finally, don’t forget that next Sunday is our first ever Orange Sunday! Orange is a big deal in Kids Ministry because Orange represents our desire to partner with parents. We wear orange to remind everyone that the Light of the Church (yellow) + Heart of the Family (red) = Orange.
To celebrate what makes Kids Ministry orange, we have a gift for every kid. Make sure you join us on Sunday, November 8th and wear orange!
Preschool Resources
Bible Story: Baby and a Bush—Birth of Moses and the Burning Bush
Big Idea: God made you to do big things for Him! And you don’t even have to be a grown-up to do it! Just show God you are strong for Him by obeying in the little stuff more each day.
Step 1: Watch the video with your preschoolers.
Step 2: Review with your kids.
Ask your kids: How can I do big stuff for God? (I obey God more each day!)
Step 3: Practice the Memory Verse with your preschoolers.
Memory Verse: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much ...” Luke 16:10 NIV
Step 4: Print the Adventure Guide to use with your preschooler throughout the week.
Elementary Resources
STEP 1: Read the Bible Passage with your kids
Bible Story: Moses in a Basket • Exodus 1:22-2:10; I Peter 1:3
STEP 2: Choose a worship video to sing with your kids
STEP 3: Watch the Video with your Kids
STEP 4: Practice this month’s Bible Verse with your kids.
Memory Verse: “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalms 121:2 NIV
STEP 5: Review with your kids.
Big Idea: God helps us when we’re helpless.
Ask Your Kids: When was the last time you felt helpless? What did you do? What could you have done differently?