KiDS Monthly Parent Cue: August
Preschool Resources
Bible Story: JOURNEYS FOR JESUS - Paul’s Journey and Trials
Big Idea: Jesus tells all His friends to go into the whole world and preach God’s Good News. Everyone needs you to share Jesus with them, everywhere you go!
Ask your kids: Who should I share Jesus with? (Share Jesus with everyone!)
Memory Verse: “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15 NLT
Elementary Resources
Bible Story: Creation • Genesis 1
Big Idea: God made everything through His Word.
Bible Story: The Fall • Genesis 2-3
Big Idea: God doesn't want sin to keep us separated from Him.
Bible Story: Redemption • Genesis 3:15, John 1:1-5, 14, John 19:28-37, John 20:1-10
Big Idea: Jesus is THE way for us to be with God.
Bible Story: Restoration • Revelation 21:1-7
Big Idea: God will make all things new again!
Memory Verse: “But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells." 2 Peter 3:13 NIV