How Do I Lead Someone to Christ

How do I lead someone to Christ? I love this question. It comes from a listener named Brooke. “Pastor John, hello! For our online church services during the coronavirus season, I volunteered to reach out to people who have contacted us to let us know that they want to trust in Christ, yet I don’t really know how to do this. I’ve grown up seeing people walked through a written prayer. But I wrestle with the doctrine behind the idea that you can simply ‘pray this prayer,’ and you’re good. When someone says they’re ready to accept Christ, how do you lead them?”

Great question. Oh, great question. Oh, that every Christian were ready and eager to declare the good news and to lead people into saving faith! So, thanks for the question. It’s very good for John Piper to go back and rehearse the basics of the gospel and the practicalities of a phone call like this or a Zoom chat or sitting across the table six feet apart, maybe, to share the gospel.

(continue reading HERE)


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