How Do I Talk to My Kid About Sex? This Will Help

“Do you know where babies come from?” My best friend asked while we were swinging in my backyard. My heart rate increased because although I was not certain of the answer, something inside told me this was a taboo subject. Before I could even take a guess, she blurted out, “Your mom and dad had to do it!” She just had the sex talk with me in 30 seconds. If only all parents had my friend’s bravery. Are you asking, “How do I talk to my kid about sex?” This will help.

Sadly, this newfound information my friend revealed was indelibly burned into my memory and prevented me from making eye contact with my parents for the better part of the next month. The probability is high that you may have had a similar experience in your own life in regard to how you learned about sex. Because of that, you may have stigmatized sex is something bad and embarrassing. How do I talk to my kid about sex? Before their friends do!

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