How to Pray When Your Kids Go Off to College

God Involves You in His Plan

Having done what you can to bring up your children, you see them ship off to a war zone, the battle for their hearts, and wonder if they’ll survive. Vicki and I launched children to two state colleges and two Christian colleges, and whether your children leave home for the military, for trade school, for global missions, for an apprenticeship, or for post-secondary schooling, the hazards are the same and the stakes are the same. The contest is for control of their hearts. Will Jesus be the Lord and chief object of their joy? Or will something else? Something that will bring great destruction and regret?

God involves parents in the totality of his plan for their children. Not all parents can provide what they want for their children, but all parents can pray. God invites parents to stand in the gap. He invites us to ask!

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How To Love A Teenager


We Are Praying For Our Children