Rock Statuses Guide
There are a number of ways to categorize folks in Rock to describe their relationship with Northridge. Our customized statuses can be confusing, so this page is intended to explain and bring clarity to these.
Record Status
This describes the state of the Rock record/entry that we have in the system. When you look at a person’s bio on their Rock profile, this is found at the top left corner. The three available options are Active, Inactive, and Pending. We don’t currently use Pending in our system.
Active describes a Rock record that is, in fact, active.
Inactive describes someone that has no relationship with Northridge. They have clearly stated that they are not attending and do not want a connection with Northridge. We mark them as Inactive instead of deleting them for record-keeping purposes and so that we can reactivate them if circumstances change and they rejoin Northridge.
Inactivating records can ONLY be done by the Oversight Team or those delegated by the OT to maintain attendee records. If someone has indicated to you that they no longer want a relationship with Northridge, please contact the Spiritual Development team or the OT so they can confirm and deactivate them. Do not take it upon yourself to deactivate a record - it eliminates access to giving records, removes them from groups, and shuts down many processes in our system for that record. We will make sure we’ve cleaned up those systems before we deactivate.
Connection Status
This describes the person’s relationship to Northridge. There are a few specialized statuses, but for the most part you’ll only be working with the statuses Member and Attendee.
A Member is someone who has gone through our formal membership process. They have been approved as a Member by our Oversight Team. You can’t change someone’s status to Member unless that is your official role (typically someone from the Spiritual Development team). We don’t give that status to people who are highly involved or committed to Northridge - they must be a formal and official Member.
An Attendee is anyone else connected to Northridge. Literally anyone else that connects to Northridge that we are serving, ministering to, encouraging, following-up with, etc, should be listed as an Attendee. A Pi2 invite; a new child; a guest; someone who is checking us out for the first time; someone new to the area looking at churches; someone who has attended one time a few years ago; a first time student at NYM; someone who used to attend Northridge, left for a season, and is coming back; someone who has attended for 30 years and has not become a Member. Put another way, Attendee just means “not a Member”. When in doubt, someone should be listed as an Attendee in our system.
A Contributor Only describes someone who has given financially through Northridge, but has no relationship. This might be giving gifts on behalf of someone in memoriam. It might be gifts given to support our community engagement initiatives. We needed a way to track people for accounting purposes, but we don’t want them to receive any other communication from Northridge Church.
Web Prospect and Online Giving are statuses that are automatically assigned to a new record that is created by our website or our online giving platform, respectively. They are temporary statuses to help us make sure these systems didn’t accidentally duplicate someone that is already in our system. We’ll be cleaning them out periodically and moving them to Member or Attendee, as appropriate.
You cannot reassign Connection Statuses in our system unless you are part of our Spiritual Development team or are an administrator for Rock. We have a formal process for adding or removing folks from membership and it’s important for consistent record-keeping that the correct team members are making these changes.
If you have to create a person or a family in Rock, please always assign them the Connection Status of Attendee.
Organizational Tags
The Record and Connection Statuses above do not capture all of the nuances of a person’s relationship with Northridge. To help us track this information, but limit the number of official statuses, we have a set of tags that can be used to further clarify a person’s relationship with Northridge.
Member in Transition describes a Member that is in the process of being removed from Membership, but the Oversight Team has not yet officially removed. Technically, they are still a Member, but we wanted a way to filter them out of Member communications. They likely have asked to be removed from Membership (maybe they moved away or moved to another church) or the Oversight Team has decided that removal from membership is appropriate.
Former Member describes someone who was, but is no longer, an active Member. Technically, they are an attendee, but we think it’s important to have the information on hand that they completed the formal membership process, were approved, and then their member relationship ended.
Again, unless you involved in maintaining person records on behalf of the OT or the Spiritual Development team, you should not be able to add or remove those tags.