4 Questions Before Election Day

The Bible has much to say about how we should interact with governing authorities. We are to pray for those in positions of authority (1 Tim. 2:2), be subject to governing authorities and “do what is good” while under their rule (Rom. 13), pay what is owed to governing authorities (Mark 12:13–17), and so on.

Scripture largely casts our involvement with civil rulers in a positive light. One thing we’re clearly told not to do, though, is to put our trust in them.

The psalmist could not be clearer: “Put not your trust in princes” (Ps. 146:3).

My guess is most Christians would wholeheartedly agree with this wise command of God and with the reasoning for it, listed in the rest of Psalm 146. It indeed seems foolish to trust in a temporal prince or president or prime minister. We know, after all, that Christ alone is King and that he alone reigns.

And yet, our demeanor and actions—especially in an election cycle—can sometimes betray otherwise biblical confessions.

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