Ghost Army

Betsy Childs

A few weeks after the D-Day invasion of Normandy, the U.S. army deployed the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, better known at the “Ghost Army.” The unit comprised creative types—artists, set designers, actors, and sound technicians charged with creating deceptions to fool the Germans in order to draw fire and attention away from the actual army.

This Ghost Army used inflatable tanks and recorded sound effects to simulate whole battalions where there was none. Actors entered European towns, enjoyed a few drinks, and purposely “talked loose” to spread misinformation about the Allies’ plans. Audio engineers created what they called “spoof radio,” carrying on elaborate imitations of actual radio operators with the hope that the enemy would listen in and buy their lies.

The Ghost Army was wildly successful, and though it took no lives, it is credited with saving thousands through its deceptions.

Imagined Armies

Our enemy, the father of lies (John 8:44), is real (1 Peter 5:8), and he deploys ghost armies to discourage and deceive us into believing that all kinds of threats are coming against us. These skirmishes sap our strength and distract us from the actual battles God has equipped us to fight...

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