5 Staggering Ways My New Identity In Christ Changes Everything

When I became a Christian, I received a completely new identity in Christ.

I was put into a divine witness protection program of sorts. The old me was erased from the books –  crucified and buried with Christ – and I was given a glorious new identity in Christ.

Or, put another way: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). 

In other words, I’m not the old me. The Stephen Altrogge that was born on April 26, 1982, is not the same Stephen Altrogge writing this post (that is a truly mind-boggling thought).

A profound, fundamental change has taken place. God has transformed me so completely that it’s almost as if I’m a completely new person (who just happens to look a lot like Stephen).

(continue reading HERE)


Identity in Christ


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