I've Sinned; Now What? Eleven Reminder for Dealing with Sin

Rey Reynoso

On this side of eternity we will sin. I’m not saying we must sin. Sin is not necessary to human life but it is part of human life. On this side of eternity we will struggle with it. We will sin.

Indeed, there will be times in lives where we think we’re doing okay, where things seem to be going fine, and then we hear a sermon or see a passage in the Bible, or read an article, or hear an argument where we find ourselves convicted of sin. We wind up convicted of some specific thing that we thought was okay but now we see it is wrong.

Perhaps there is a specific sin that we keep slipping into, like a well-fitting sweater or comfy shoes.  Or the sin we’ve committed a long time ago, before even thinking it was a sin, and now we see it for what it is.  We’ve sinned.

In the blogging vogue, here are eleven things (to limit it to a readable number) to keep in mind in regards to sin.


01. Your Ignorance Isn’t Necessarily Sin (Though It Can Be)

Paul, in the early church, noted that there was a problem of meats offered to false gods and people participating in activity that could be misconstrued. But what to do if someone invites you over to a meal? Well, he says, If you want to eat, eat without asking where the meat came from so that you and your host’s conscience remain clear. Eat the meat to the glory of God but, if the problem point is brought to light, then don’t eat.  Realize there is a space for being honestly ignorant. That being said that doesn’t absolve you from responsibility in all cases. Sometimes your ignorance is God’s grace protecting you. At other times it is part of your maturing as a believer. What’s important here is that once your ignorance is informed, you need to act. (1 Corinthians 10; Numbers 15:22-31; Leviticus 4 ; 2 Tim 3:7).

02. You Are Part of a Company of Sinners (and Saints)

Paul—an apostle, a major contributor to the New Testament, and eventually a martyr—described himself as the chief sinner. John—the loved follower, took care of Jesus’ mom, also an apostle—eventually writes that if you say you don’t sin you’re a liar. Peter—an apostle, a follower of Christ, and eventually a martyr—denied Jesus and later in life had some major flubs. You are part of a family that sins; you’re not alone. (1 Tim 1:15; 1 John 1:8; Romans 5).

03. Your Conscience Can Notify You of Sin

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