Jotham's Journeys

Jotham's Journey is a series of four adventure books for families to read together during the four weeks before Christmas. Most families read one each year, then repeat -- by the time they read a book the second or third time, the children are four years older and it's a completely new story to them.

 It all starts when Jotham, a ten-year-old shepherd boy, runs away from home. It ends four books later when Ishtar, ten-year-old Prince of Persia, discovers a strange star in the sky that leads his father's caravan to a tiny stable in Bethlehem.

​All four ten-year-olds -- Jotham, Bartholomew, Tabitha, and Ishtar -- take families on treacherous adventures as they  search for their parents, fight off Roman soldiers and temple guards, escape from slavery and face lethal deserts. Along the way they learn the true message of the Messiah, and learn to live the true meaning of the first Christmas.

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