Five Strategies for Daily Bible Reading
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Five Strategies for Daily Bible Reading

Gavin Ortlund One of the issues that comes up most often frequently when I am discipling others in the church is the struggle to do daily Bible reading. And it doesn’t necessarily get easier for those of us who are in ministry or study the Bible in an academic context. As I have tried to help guys struggling in this area, I’ve come up with a couple basic ideas that some have found helpful.

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Re-ignite Bible Reading That’s Become Boring
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Re-ignite Bible Reading That’s Become Boring

David Murray We’ve all been there. Reading the Bible can become boring. Our eyes are on the page but our minds are everywhere else; because everywhere else is just so much more interesting. We may pick up our Bibles, open the pages, and scan the lines, but our hearts just aren’t in it. Well, here are some ideas to help you re-ignite your Bible reading...

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