Advent: J.D. Greear
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Advent: J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear (video series)

When you know Jesus, you will realize Christmas is more than a nice story—the arrival of Jesus changes everything.

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A Picture of Prevailing Prayer
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A Picture of Prevailing Prayer

Jon Bloom Bartimaeus teaches us something very important about prayer. This story of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46–52) is a picture of prevailing prayer, not in its time scale, but in its dynamics. Real prayer begins with real desire, often with real desperation...

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How to Combat the Demonic

J.D. Greear When it comes to the demonic, people fall into two errors—not wanting to talk about it at all, or not wanting to talk about anything else. As C. S. Lewis said, “Humanity falls into two equal and opposite errors concerning the Devil. Either they take him altogether too seriously or they do not take him seriously enough...”

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