Where's Your Heart?
Randy Alcorn
God wants your heart. He isn't looking just for "donors" for His kingdom, He's looking for disciples.
6 Temptations of Christmas Shopping
Art Rainer Don't make Christmas a time when sound financial decision-making goes out the window. Avoid these temptations for a merry and financially healthy Christmas.
Every Dollar Finance App
Ramsey Solutions EveryDollar is free budget software accessible from your desktop, iPhone and Android. It is based on a proven plan that's helped millions of people get out of debt and save.
Is Spending Money on Entertainment and Leisure OK with God?
Randy Alcorn Scripture says that God provides us with material things “for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17, NLT). When I speak on the subject of money and giving, I try to always emphasize that phrase from Scripture and express how thankful I am for it, because it allows me to enjoy God’s creation without guilt.