How to Choose Your Next Job
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How to Choose Your Next Job

John Piper

(Article) He made you to work. And he cares about what you do with the half of your waking life called “vocation.” He wants you to rejoice in it. And he wants to be glorified in it.

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Not a Fan
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Not a Fan

Kyle Idleman

The demand and reward of being a true disciple of Jesus is more than being a fan.

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Tearing Down the House of Cards
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Tearing Down the House of Cards

Margaret Manning "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life" But how do you square a belief in the love of God with a series of life experiences that run counter to the expectations for a wonderful plan?


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Hillary, Bernie, Donald, and Me
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Hillary, Bernie, Donald, and Me

John Piper At 70, I am energized to dream great things, because this year Hillary turns 69, Bernie turns 75, and Donald turns 70. My rising energy has nothing to do with their policies or character. It has to do with the incredible fact that all of them want to spend their seventies doing the hardest job in the world.

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Love the Life You Never Wanted
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Love the Life You Never Wanted

Marshall Segal The reality is that all of us can imagine something better for ourselves than our circumstances today. The greater reality is that, if you love and follow Jesus, God always writes a better story for you than you would write for yourself.

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William Wilberforce's Relentless Battle to End Slavery
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William Wilberforce's Relentless Battle to End Slavery

Vance Christie Sometimes carrying out a particular ministry that the Lord would have us to fulfill requires not just weeks or months of effort. Sometimes it demands many years or even several decades of unrelenting, determined endeavor.

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You Could've Been Something
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You Could've Been Something

Andrea Burke You have a great voice. You could've been something!" Gulp. That one goes down hard. I'm nearly 33 and for some reason, those four words seem to stick into my heart a little like gritty dirt and sour lemon...Here’s the problem: when I tried to become significant, my world became about me and my hungry ego. 


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Minimize Student Debt, Maximize Christian Mission
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Minimize Student Debt, Maximize Christian Mission

Alex Chediak How many current (and incoming) students are making decisions today that will put them in even deeper debt? What is clear is that thousands upon thousands of students need help assessing the largest investment they’ve ever made. How should Christian students in particular think about their finances in this transitional and formative season of life?

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I Have Parkinson’s and I Am at Peace
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I Have Parkinson’s and I Am at Peace

Wayne Grudem Last Wednesday I saw my family doctor with some puzzling symptoms, and he suspected Parkinson’s disease. He referred me to a neurologist, and on Friday, she confirmed that I definitely have Parkinson’s disease.

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There's No Difference Between "Spiritual" and "Secular"
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There's No Difference Between "Spiritual" and "Secular"

John Mark Comer The sacred/secular divide is this idea that some things are sacred or spiritual, and they matter to God. But other things are secular or physical, and at least by implication, they don’t matter to God—at least, not all that much.

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