How to Choose Your Next Job
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How to Choose Your Next Job

John Piper

(Article) He made you to work. And he cares about what you do with the half of your waking life called “vocation.” He wants you to rejoice in it. And he wants to be glorified in it.

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The Secret to Job Satisfaction
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The Secret to Job Satisfaction

Marshall Segal

The hard reality is that we can't glorify God in the job we want (at least not yet). But we can glorify God in the job we have. 

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Your 9-5 Is Not in Vain
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Your 9-5 Is Not in Vain

Andre Yee What do you do when you experience fruitlessness or even failure in your work? How do you respond when your hard work yields poor results?

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Tearing Down the House of Cards
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Tearing Down the House of Cards

Margaret Manning "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life" But how do you square a belief in the love of God with a series of life experiences that run counter to the expectations for a wonderful plan?


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Love the Life You Never Wanted
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Love the Life You Never Wanted

Marshall Segal The reality is that all of us can imagine something better for ourselves than our circumstances today. The greater reality is that, if you love and follow Jesus, God always writes a better story for you than you would write for yourself.

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You Could've Been Something
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You Could've Been Something

Andrea Burke You have a great voice. You could've been something!" Gulp. That one goes down hard. I'm nearly 33 and for some reason, those four words seem to stick into my heart a little like gritty dirt and sour lemon...Here’s the problem: when I tried to become significant, my world became about me and my hungry ego. 


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Minimize Student Debt, Maximize Christian Mission
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Minimize Student Debt, Maximize Christian Mission

Alex Chediak How many current (and incoming) students are making decisions today that will put them in even deeper debt? What is clear is that thousands upon thousands of students need help assessing the largest investment they’ve ever made. How should Christian students in particular think about their finances in this transitional and formative season of life?

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Is Spending Money on Entertainment and Leisure OK with God?
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Is Spending Money on Entertainment and Leisure OK with God?

Randy Alcorn Scripture says that God provides us with material things “for our enjoyment” (1 Timothy 6:17, NLT). When I speak on the subject of money and giving, I try to always emphasize that phrase from Scripture and express how thankful I am for it, because it allows me to enjoy God’s creation without guilt. 

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