Tim Keller on Prayer
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Tim Keller on Prayer

Tim Keller (video)

Tim Keller offers four ways prayer helps transform head knowledge to heart change.

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How to Criticize Other Christians without Being Mean
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How to Criticize Other Christians without Being Mean

Matt Smethurst At various times in my Christian life I’ve been startled by the ease with which I can jump to conclusions, assume the worst, and demonize those with whom I disagree. In these moments the Lord has often reminded me, sometimes painfully, of a simple truth: Matt, don’t let your zeal for principle eclipse your love for people.


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The Sunday Worship Killer
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The Sunday Worship Killer

Jason Helopoulos Few things harden the soul, deaden the heart, close the ears, and chill the affections more. Donning the robes of the critic maims and kills many would-be worshipers in churches every single Sunday morning. In all honesty, very few of us knowingly enter church with such a motivation... 

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3 Reasons We Should Be Slow to Judge
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3 Reasons We Should Be Slow to Judge

Michael Hyatt  When I think of key leadership qualities, decisiveness is always high on the list. The ability to quickly size up a situation and act is essential. But sometimes we can be too fast. And that’s especially true when it comes to criticism...


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