Finding Truth
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Finding Truth

Francis Chan (video series)

In this four-session series, pastor and author Francis Chan invites students into the power and confidence that comes from anchoring their identity, purpose, and relationships in the truth of Scripture.

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Image of God Dr. Eric Mason
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Image of God Dr. Eric Mason

Eric Mason (book)

I have written this book because men need to know that only through the gospel of Jesus Christ can they be what God intends".”

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How Can God Still Love Me?
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How Can God Still Love Me?

Newspring Church (article)

“God doesn't look at us and see our dents. He looks at us and sees Jesus' perfection.”

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Book of Judges
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Book of Judges

J.D. Greear (video)

In this series, pastor and author J.D. Greear wades into the book of Judges to shine a light onto the muddy waters of human rebellion.

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The Subtle Sin of Pride
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The Subtle Sin of Pride

Greg Morse

(Article) For years I’ve struggled with a sinking sense of inadequacy. What needs to change?

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Love the Life You Never Wanted
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Love the Life You Never Wanted

Marshall Segal The reality is that all of us can imagine something better for ourselves than our circumstances today. The greater reality is that, if you love and follow Jesus, God always writes a better story for you than you would write for yourself.

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Believer, Become What You Are

John Piper Believer, you died and the new you is alive, and you are God’s. The whole of our Christian life is learning to become — by God’s Spirit — what we already are in Christ...

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