Does God love everyone or just Christians?
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Does God love everyone or just Christians? (article)

To ignore God’s merciful love, to reject Christ, or to deny the Savior who bought us is to subject ourselves to God’s wrath for eternity, not His love.

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The Knowledge of the Holy
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The Knowledge of the Holy

A.W. Tozer (pdf book)

Study more about the attributes of God with this pdf version of "The Knowledge of the Holy." Read a chapter before your time in God's Word to posture your heart in worship.

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William Wilberforce's Relentless Battle to End Slavery
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William Wilberforce's Relentless Battle to End Slavery

Vance Christie Sometimes carrying out a particular ministry that the Lord would have us to fulfill requires not just weeks or months of effort. Sometimes it demands many years or even several decades of unrelenting, determined endeavor.

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