Love and Rules
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Love and Rules

Nathan Betts

Christianity is nothing more than a set of rules! How do we understand this common question or objection?

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Religious Liberty Is Not Freedom from Ridicule
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Religious Liberty Is Not Freedom from Ridicule

Russell Moore In recent weeks, we’ve seen an unprecedented and nasty turn in American culture against basic religious freedoms, freedoms that once were at the bedrock of the American consensus. In the years to come, we will be called upon to advocate for religious liberty and soul freedom for everyone, over and against a government and a media culture hostile to the very idea...

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The Post-Indiana Future for Christians
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The Post-Indiana Future for Christians

Rod Dreher  What prompted his reaching out to me? “I’m very worried,” he said, of events of the last week. “The constituency for religious liberty just isn’t there anymore.” Like me, what unnerved Prof. Kingsfield is not so much the details of the Indiana law, but the way the overculture treated the law...

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3 Muslim-Christian Crossroads

C.M. If you’ve ever had a prolonged conversation with a Muslim on theology, you know that they are generally well-trained in discussing their problems with the Trinity and divinity of Jesus. So why not consider looking for points of discussion off the beaten path and that may even engage us as Christians at a heart level too?

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