Porn is Not Harmless. It's Cruel.
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Porn is Not Harmless. It's Cruel.

Justin Holcomb

(article) Porn is much more than an individual decision—it’s part of a system that preys on women and children and enslaves its viewers.

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One More Time on Game of Thrones
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One More Time on Game of Thrones

Kevin DeYoung

(Article) I don’t understand Christians watching Game of Thrones.  Let me zip through a number of common criticisms I've received and then finish with one salient point.

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5 Ways Porn Lies To You
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5 Ways Porn Lies To You

Tim Challies

We know now that nearly every boy and a great many girls will be exposed to it, struggle with it, and even become addicted to it.

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Seven Things to Do After You Look at Pornography
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Seven Things to Do After You Look at Pornography

Paul Maxwell A lot of Christian advice about porn addicts is unhelpful — meaning, it doesn’t contribute to real progress in repentance, healing, restoration, and recovery. Often, Christian advice either has its head in the clouds of theology and biblical references, or is a list of superficial how-tos. How is the gospel relevant to failing and trying again? 

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The Great Porn Experiment
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The Great Porn Experiment

Covenant Eyes One of the big problems with doing research about the effect of video pornography on people is its hard to find a control group. Not too long ago a researcher from the University of Montreal couldn't find a control group of men in their 20s who had never consumed porn. But there was a study that was done in the mid-80s, before the dawn of the World Wide Web, and the results are fascinating.

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7 Negative Effects of Porn
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7 Negative Effects of Porn

BJ Stockman This is a rather frank post on porn, so proceed or not with that in mind. Porn is a problem. It is a personal problem for many and a cultural problem for all. You may think that you have not been effected by porn, but you have because it is embedded in the surrounding culture...

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